Since I fell in love with the magical ✨ world of plants it has not been uncommon to hear or see how many people have taken lightly the “buy and then let them die” the plants they bought for various reasons such as: “I wanted it so much but now I don’t like it more! So I leave it in the darkest corner of the house and let it take its course…”.

It also happened to me to repurchase 💵 a plant that I hadn’t been able to revive because its environmental conditions didn’t match mine and I tried to revive it by repurchasing an identical one 🌳, trying to change my environment and learn, but then, after I had the confirmation that I was not able to satisfy his needs in any way: I never bought it again.

I don’t think the low prices 📉 or their more or less easy availability can be the right reasons to, in the end, throw them away, just to be able to say: “Oh well, I tried.” It can stay there once/twice, but I’d rather try to ask some friends for a cutting after the second time.

An example that comes to mind is someone who buys orchids that are about to blossom or in bloom 🌸 and throw them away once 🗑 they finish flowering.
Everyone can do what they want 💗💗, this is just my personal reflectionn💡: a plant, to grow, takes infinite energy and more: it helps our entire ecosystem not to collapse. We, as plant lovers, perhaps have greater responsibilities: we should be the keepers of them, not the uprooters.
It is right to gain experience and understand what one succeeds and fails to cultivate, but I believe that the most beautiful experiences, in this phase of experimentation, are to do it on the seeds of the fruits we eat, the scraps of vegetables and on the leaves or stems that we accidentally break or that they give us / ask for. What do you think?

I hope my thought has been an inspiration to you, I wish you a wonderful start to the week;

Love you, bye! 💗